mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016

Brunch au Sofitel Brussels "Le Louise"

Ce n'est pas nouveau, si vous me suivez, que le repas que je préfère les plus est le petit-déjeuner. D'ailleurs je vous en avez déjà parlé dans cet article.
Début de l'année j'ai eu l'occasion de tester le "Friends & Family Sunday Brunch" au Crystal Lounge à l'hôtel Sofitel Brussels Le Louise.
Je n'étais jamais rentré dans cet hôtel mais je l'ai toujours imaginé raffiné, élégant et avec une décoration unique dans son style. Et bien, j'avais bien vu. L'hôtel, même si je n'ai pu découvrir que le lobby et le Crystal Lounge,  est vraiment très beau.

This is nothing new, if you follow me, that the meal I like the most is the breakfast. Besides, I have already spoken to you in this article.
Beginning of the year I had the opportunity to test the "Family & Friends Brunch" at the Crystal Lounge at the Sofitel Brussels Le Louise.
I had never walked into this hotel but I always imagined it refined, stylish and with a unique design in his style. Well, I guessed. The hotel, even though I have just visited the entrance and the Crystal Lounge, is really beautiful.

J'adore les brunchs ♥ je les trouve très américain et très dimanche mais vu que mon conjoint travaille les week-end c'est difficile d'en faire. En janvier j'ai pu essayer le brunch proposé par le Crystal Lounge, restaurant qui offre un cadre chic et convivial.

I love brunches ♥ I find them very American and very Sundays, but since my husband works the weekend it is difficult to do. In January I was able to try the brunch at the Crystal Lounge restaurant who offers a chic and friendly atmosphere.

Le brunch, sous forme de grand buffet, propose un large choix de plats salé et sucré. Vous aurez le choix entre differents viennoiseries, confitures, jus des fruits et pain frais. Ensuite vous pourrez commencer à deguster les differents verrines et tapas qui sont proposé comme: le carpaccio de boeuf, le saumon fumé avec fleurs commestibles, des salades variées,  des spaghetti à la truffe, des hûitres et fruits de mers frais. En plats, deux sortes de viandes ou poisson et leur accompagnements. Toujours presents deux grandes assiettes avec de la charcuterie, du fromage avec fruits secs et un jambon à decouper en fin tranches.

The Brunch, in the form of large buffet, offers a wide selection of sweet and salty dishes. You can choose between various pastries, jams, fresh bread and fruit juices. Then you can begin to taste the different glasses and tapas are offered as: beef carpaccio, smoked salmon with edible flowers, salads, spaghetti with truffles, oysters and fresh seafood. As main dishes, two kinds of meat or fish with accompaniments. Always presents two large plates with cold cuts, cheese with nuts and ham slices.

Enfin, le buffet des desserts, vous regalera avec: panna cotta, crème brûlée préparée minute (une vrai delice), salade de fruits frais, crêpes et differentes sortes de mini gâteaux.

Finally, the dessert buffet will delight you: panna cotta, crème brûlée minute prepared (a true delight), fresh fruit salad, pancakes and different kinds of mini cakes.

Vous l'aurez compris que le buffet est très copieux et de grand qualité.

Si vous vous rendez en famille vous pourrez profiter de votre brunch en toute tranquilité car les enfants sont pris en charge par une ou deux animatrices au mini club. Des mini pizza et des mini hamburger, entre autres, leur sont proposé ainsi que differentes activités pour les amuser.

De plus, au fond de la salle, des films muets en blanc et noir sont diffusés. Je trouve cette idée originale et très romantique.
Le brunch du Crystal Lounge est vraiment parfait si vous voulez bien commencer votre anniversaire, si vous voulez l’offrir comme cadeau ou juste si vous voulez commencer votre dimanche de manière différente.

You understand that the buffet is plentiful and of great quality.

If you are coming with family you will enjoy your brunch in peace because the children are supported by one or two facilitators at the kids club. Mini pizza and hamburger, among others, are proposed with different activities to entertain them.

In addition, at the back of the room, silent films in black and white are broadcast. I find this an original and very romantic idea.
The Crystal Lounge brunch is really perfect if you want to start your birthday or you want to offer it as a gift or just if you want to start your Sunday differently.

Brunch Crystal Lounge chaque dimanche de 11h30 à 15h00 
Pour info et réservations: 02.5496144


mercoledì 10 febbraio 2016

7 Getaways for Valentine's Day ♥

Il mese dell’amore é arrivato, ormai San Valentino é alle porte. Avete già tutto pronto per domenica? O siete di quelli che non festeggiate proprio per niente il 14 febbraio?  Ecco, io mi trovo a metà strada. Non sono di quelle che spende una fortuna per questa giornata ma mi piace organizzare una cena più speciale del solito. E se proprio potessi scegliere credo che un weekend romantico sia davvero una buona idea
Oggi vi consiglio sette mete europee dove partire col vostro/a innamorato/a.

The month of love has arrived, Valentine's Day is coming. You have everything ready for Sunday? Or you are one of those who don't celebrate February 14? Here, I find myself halfway. There are those who spend a fortune on this day, I'm not like that but I like to organize a special dinner than usual. And if I could choose I think a romantic weekend is a really good idea
Today I recommend you seven European destinations where you can take your beloved.
  1.   VENEZIA:
Da buona italiana non potevo non consigliarvi Venezia, magari sono un pochino di parte ma credo che andarci in coppia sia davvero romantico. La città lagunare è una delle mete più belle di tutta Europa, ideale per passare un week-end o qualche giorno in più di vacanza in occasione del 14 febbraio. A Venezia, infatti, si può percepire un fascino romantico in ogni angolo, tra calli e campielli, o durante i suggestivi giri in gondola lungo il Canal Grande, ammirando uno spettacolo di luci, edifici storici, palazzi, turisti, negozi, boutique, ristoranti che si affacciano direttamente nei corsi d'acqua.
As a good italian I could not advise you Venice, maybe I'm a little biased but I think going there in couple is really romantic. The lagoon city is one of the most beautiful destinations in Europe, ideal for spending a weekend or a few more days of vacation on the occasion of 14 February. In Venice, in fact, you can feel a romantic charm in every corner, lanes and squares, or during the scenic gondola rides along the Grand Canal, admiring a light show, historic buildings, palaces, tourists, shops, boutiques, restaurants which open directly into waterways.
2.       BARCELLONA:
La Spagna é tutta bella, come l’Italia, ha tanto da offrire sia dal punto di vista culturale che gastronomico. E detto tra noi, gli spagnoli coi turisti ci sanno proprio fare.
A Barcellona sarete baciati dal sole, potrete sedervi in spiaggia ad ammirare il mare, camminare lungo las Ramblas e perdervi tra le bancarelle del famoso mercato de “La Boqueria”.

Spain is all beautiful, like Italy, has much to offer from a cultural point of view and gastronomy. And by the way, the Spanish know how to take the tourists.
In Barcelona you will be kissed by the sun, you can sit on the beach and admire the sea, walk down Las Ramblas and getting lostamong the famous market of "La Boqueria".
3.       BUDAPEST:
Ho festeggiato il mio 26esimo compleanno a Budapest e ne conservo un ricordo speciale. Forse perché ero incinta di quasi 4 mesi ma anche perché questa città ha davvero tanto da offrire. E’ romantica, decadente e aristocratica. Visitate Buda e Pest, fate una visita guidata del Parlamento, mangiate un piatto tipico al Mercato Centrale e una fetta di torta Dobos in uno degli eleganti caffé che troverete in centro. Rilassatevi alle Terme e cenate su un battello.

I celebrated my 26th birthday in Budapest, and I keep a special memory. Maybe because I was 4 months pregnant but also because this city has so much to offer. Budapest is romantic, decadent and aristocratic. Visit Buda and Pest, take a guided tour of the Parliament, eat a typical dish at the Central Market and a slice of Dobos cake in one of the elegant coffee you'll find in the center. Relax at the Spa and dine on a boat.

4.       LISBONA:
Del Portogallo sono letteralmente innamorata. E’ stato il primo paese che io ed il mio compagno abbiamo visitato insieme. E’ una terra calda, accogliente, ricca di arte, storia e cultura. Mi sono rimasti nel cuore i colori della città, i vecchi tram, gli ottimi Pasteis de Nata, e l’allegria della gente.

I'm literally in love with Portugal. It was the first country that I and my partner visited together. It 'a warm earth, welcoming, rich in art, history and culture. I remained in my heart the colors of the city, the old trams, the delicious Pasteis de Nata, and friendly people.
5.       AMSTERDAM:
Adoro l’atmosfera cozy che si respira in questa città. Ci sono stata due volte ma non vedo l’ora di tornarci. Cambia un pochino in base alla stagione in cui decidete di andarci ma merita sempre. Visitate il mercato e tornerete sicuramente a casa con bulbi di tulipanoe  zoccoli di legno. Cosa fare assolutamente? Girare la città in bici.

I love the cozy atmosphere in this city. I have been there twice, but I can not wait to go back again. Amsterdam changes a little depending on the season you decide to go there, but it always worth. Visit the market and you will come back home with tulips bulbs and wooden clogs. What do absolutely? Going around the city by bike.
6.       BERLINO:
La prima volta che sono partita a Berlino ero perplessa, avevo avuto solo pareri discordanti. Ecco, io l’ho adorata. E’ una città giovane, economica, sfacciata, multiculturale, piena di locali deliziosi e offre tantissimo da vedere. Prendete una mappa e camminate per la città, ad ogni angolo troverete qualcosa di bello.

The first time I went to Berlin I was perplexed, I just had different opinions. Well, I have adored. It 'a young city, economic, cheeky, multicultural, full of delicious local and offers plenty to see. Take a map and walk through the city, you will find something nice in every corner.
E’ stata l’ultima città che ho visitato nel 2015 e anche se ci sono rimasta meno di 48h mi ha davvero affascinata. E’ una città splendida sia dal punto di vista culturale che gastronomico. Si, in Polonia si mangia benissimo  e i prezzi sono irrisori. Mi é davvero rimasta nel cuore, spero di tornarci presto.

It was the last city I visited in 2015 and although have been less than 48 hours there, Krakow has really fascinated me. It 'a beautiful city both from a cultural perspective that gourmet. Yes, in Poland we eat well and the prices are ridiculously low. Krakow really remained in my heart, I hope to return soon.

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Il concorso termina mercoledi 17/02 alle 24h. Il vincitore sarà annunciato giovedi 18/02

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The contest ends Wednesday 17/02 at 24h. The winner will be announced on Thursday 18/02


martedì 2 febbraio 2016

Ballekes - the crowdfunding campaign

Aujourd'hui je vous présente Ballekes, un nouveau restaurant fast-casual avec des ingrédients de haute qualité, qui ouvrira ses portes ce mois-ci. 
Thibault et Florence, un couple de jeunes mariés, se cache derrière cette idée originale. Ils ne sont pas nouveau au monde de la restauration car ils ont ouvert leur premier bistro "t'Bolleke" il y a quelques années. Mais l'envie de construire quelque chose de nouveau et de partager avec le monde entier leur délicieuses ballekes était bien là. Voici qu'ils décident de commencer une nouvelle aventure avec "Ballekes - The Belgian Meatball Revolution": Un concept similaire à un fast food mais en mieux car ils vont utiliser les recettes de leur grands-mères. Et ça ce n'est pas commun.

Today I introduce you Ballekes, a new fast-casual restaurant with high quality ingredients, which will open this month.
Thibault and Florence, a young married couple, are behind this original idea. They are not new to the restaurant business since they opened their first bistro "t'Bolleke" just a few years ago. But the desire to build something new and share with the world their delicious ballekes was there. So they decided to start a new adventure with "Ballekes - The Belgian Meatball Revolution":  A concept similar to a fast food only better because they will use the recipes from their grandmothers. And this is not common.
Vous allez pouvoir commander au comptoir et avoir la possibilité de personnaliser votre plat (viande de porc, poulet, bœuf ou bio végétarien) et choisir votre sauce préférée.

You will be able to order at the counter and have the ability to customize your dish (pork, chicken, beef or vegetarian bio) and choose your favorite sauce.

Mais même si Thibault et Florence travaillent tous les jours à leur projet et ils ont beaucoup investi ils ont besoins de votre support. Ballekes ouvrira ses portes Chaussée de Charleroi n°74 mais le local a encore besoin des certaines travaux importants comme les sols et les lumières. S'ils obtient la somme demandé ils pourront travailler avec la société Klimop, association sans but lucratif qui aident les chômeurs de long date à se réintégrer dans la société.
Pour cette raison ils ont lancé une pétition de crowdfunding sur indiegogo. Vous pouvez contribuer à partir de 5€ et en échange pleins des cadeau et récompenses vous attends.

But even if Thibault and Florence are working every day to their project and they invested a lot they need your support. Ballekes open its doors Chaussee de Charleroi Nr. 74 but the place still needs some major work such as floors and lights. If they get the amount requested they can work with the Klimop society, a non-profit association that help long-term unemployed to reintegrate into society.
For this reason they launched a petition on Indiegogo crowdfunding. You can contribute from 5 and in exchange gifts and rewards will be send it to you.

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Just follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
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