Missolonghi, qui veut dire: "entre les lacs", est une ville grecque située sur la rive nord du golfe de Patras. Elle doit surtout sa célébrité aux sièges qu'elle dut subir durant la guerre d'indépendance grecque, et à la personnalité du philhellène anglais Lord Byron qui y mourut.
Missolonghi avec son emplacement sur la rive nord du golf de Patras, occupe un emplacement stratégique qui en fait la porte d'entrée du golfe de Corinthe. Et lui permet aussi de dominer le Péloponnèse et le nord de la Grèce. Son importance a été mis à l'épreuve dans la bataille de Lépante, au XVIe siècle.
Plusieurs fois envahie par les turcs, Missolonghi sera enfin libre seulement en 1829.
With the winter that has arrived and even the first days of snow I think we all want to go out in the sun, right? So this is the right time to take you with me to Greece, to Missolonghi. When we speak of Greece we immediately think of this little white and blue houses, the color of the sea and the food. It's true, it makes you dream, but Greece offers much more. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you.
Missolonghi, meaning "between the lakes", is a Greek city on the northern shore of the Gulf of Patras. It owes its celebrity especially to the seats it had to undergo during the war of Greek independence, and to the personality of the English philhellene Lord Byron who died there.
Missolonghi with its location on the north shore of the Patras golf, occupies a strategic location that makes it the gateway to the Gulf of Corinth. And it also allows him to dominate the Peloponnese and the north of Greece. Its importance was tested during the battle of Lepanto in the sixteenth century.
Several times invaded by the Turks, Missolonghi was free only in 1829.
With the winter that has arrived and even the first days of snow I think we all want to go out in the sun, right? So this is the right time to take you with me to Greece, to Missolonghi. When we speak of Greece we immediately think of this little white and blue houses, the color of the sea and the food. It's true, it makes you dream, but Greece offers much more. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you.
Missolonghi, meaning "between the lakes", is a Greek city on the northern shore of the Gulf of Patras. It owes its celebrity especially to the seats it had to undergo during the war of Greek independence, and to the personality of the English philhellene Lord Byron who died there.
Missolonghi with its location on the north shore of the Patras golf, occupies a strategic location that makes it the gateway to the Gulf of Corinth. And it also allows him to dominate the Peloponnese and the north of Greece. Its importance was tested during the battle of Lepanto in the sixteenth century.
Several times invaded by the Turks, Missolonghi was free only in 1829.
Pendant mon séjour à Missolonghi j'ai logé dans le nouveau établissement Organic Village Socrates situé à Agrilia, à seulement 10 minutes en voiture de Missolonghi.
J'ai adoré être dans ce village, on se sente vraiment à contact avec la nature, en paix et en mangeant des produits frais et bio. Vous pouvez prendre les légumes et les fruits qui se trouvent dans le potager et le cuisiner selon vos envies.
Vous n'êtes pas logés dans une petite chambre mais dans une maison rien qu'à vous. C'est ne pas magnifique? Notre petite villa était juste en face à la piscine, prendre le petit-déjeuner était un des meilleurs moments.
During my stay in Missolonghi I stayed in the new Organic Village Socrates located in Agrilia, just a 10 minute drive from Missolonghi.
I loved being in this village, you really feel in contact with nature, in peace and eating fresh and organic products. You can take the vegetables and fruits that are in the vegetable garden and cook it according to your desires.
You are not staying in a small room but in a house just for you. Isn't this beautiful? Our little villa was right in front of the pool, breakfast was one of the best moments.
During my stay in Missolonghi I stayed in the new Organic Village Socrates located in Agrilia, just a 10 minute drive from Missolonghi.
I loved being in this village, you really feel in contact with nature, in peace and eating fresh and organic products. You can take the vegetables and fruits that are in the vegetable garden and cook it according to your desires.
You are not staying in a small room but in a house just for you. Isn't this beautiful? Our little villa was right in front of the pool, breakfast was one of the best moments.
Les activités à faire ne manquent pas. Vous pouvez prendre une mountain-bike et découvrir les alentours pendant des heures. Vous pouvez faire du trekking ou décider de faire du kayak. Et c'et justement le kayak que j'ai choisi ♥ Je n'avais jamais essayé et j'ai juste ADORER :-) C'est vraiment très rigolo et c'est assez simple même pour un déboutant, comme moi.
La lagune de Missolonghi et Etoliko avec les delta des rivières Archéloos et Evinos constituent un des plus grands et des plus importants biotopes de la Méditerranée. C'est une des plus grandes zone humides de la Grèce et elle est protégée. Plus de 200 espèces d'oiseaux y trouvent un abri.
Avec un peu de chance vous pourrez voire les flamingo roses, cela dépend un peu de la saison.
There is a lot of activities to do. You can take a mountain bike and discover the surroundings for hours. You can go trekking or decide to go kayaking. And it is precisely the kayak that I chose ♥ I had never tried and I just LOVE IT :-) It is really funny and it is quite simple even for a beginner, like me.
The lagoon of Missolonghi and Etoliko with the delta of the Archeloos and Evinos rivers constitute one of the largest and most important biotopes of the Mediterranean. It is one of the largest wetlands in Greece and is protected. More than 200 species of birds find their home here.
With a bit of luck you can see the flamingo roses, it depends a bit of the season.
Nous avons toujours très bien mangez pendant tous le voyage. La nourriture grecque et une des meilleurs selon moi ainsi que leur café.
The center of Missolonghi is not very big but the streets are pedestrianized and so it is very nice to walk around. You will find different cafes, shops and restaurants one better than the other.
We always eat very well throughout the trip. The Greek food is one of the best according to me as well as their coffee.