"Un jour j'achèterai un camping-car et je boirai mon café tous les matins face à la mer". C'est avec cette phrase que mon compagnon commence la plupart de ses journées. Ses paroles expriment bien son désir de pouvoir vivre un jour une vie à la fois bucolique (agreste) et nomade. C'est pour cette raison qu'à l'occasion de son dernier anniversaire, j'ai décidé de lui faire une surprise particulière; d'une certaine manière, de lui offrir un "avant-gout" de son projet quasi utopique.
Grace à Campaway , nous avons pu vivre, pour quelques jours, le rêve de se réveiller au milieu de la nature, tasse de café à la main!
"One day I will buy a motorhome and drink my coffee every morning facing the sea". It is with this phrase that my husband begins most of his days.
His words express his desire to one day be able to live a life that is rural and nomadic. It is for that, in the occasion of his last Birthday, I decided to give him a special surprise; in a way, to offer him a "taste" of his almost utopian project.
"One day I will buy a motorhome and drink my coffee every morning facing the sea". It is with this phrase that my husband begins most of his days.
His words express his desire to one day be able to live a life that is rural and nomadic. It is for that, in the occasion of his last Birthday, I decided to give him a special surprise; in a way, to offer him a "taste" of his almost utopian project.
Thank to Campaway we were able to live, for a few days, the dream of waking up in the middle of nature, cup of coffee in hand!
Once recovered our motorhome we are speechless. It is magnificent, imposing and majestic!
And so the adventure begins...
Adapté aux voyages en famille, économe et offrant pas mal de liberté, le camping-car a tout pour plaire.
- Mais alors, c'est comment de voyager en camping-car?
C'était notre première fois et nous avons adoré! Certes, nous ne sommes partis que pour quatre jours mais ça nous a laissé l'envie de refaire cette expérience pour une periode plus longue.
Le motorhome permet de dormir dans des endroits de rêve, en pleine nature. On peut s'arrêter à tout moment sachant qu'on a toutes les commodités avec soi (salle de bains, toilette, cuisine, lit et même une télé). Cette liberté de dormir où l'on veut; de se réveiller face à la mer, au bord d'un lac ou au pied d'une montagne c'est pour moi LA plus grande raison de voyager en camping-car.
Suitable for families trips, economical and offering a lot of freedom, the motorhome has everything to please.
-But then, how is it to travel by motorhome?
It was our first time and we loved it! We only left for four days and this left us wanting to repeat this experience for a much longer period.
The motorhome allows you to sleep in dream places, surrounded by nature. You can stop at any time knowing that you have all the amenities with you ( bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bed and even a TV). This freedom, to sleep wherever you want, to wake up facing the sea, at the edge of a lake or at the foot of a mountain is for me THE biggest reason to travel by motorhome.
-But then, how is it to travel by motorhome?
It was our first time and we loved it! We only left for four days and this left us wanting to repeat this experience for a much longer period.
The motorhome allows you to sleep in dream places, surrounded by nature. You can stop at any time knowing that you have all the amenities with you ( bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bed and even a TV). This freedom, to sleep wherever you want, to wake up facing the sea, at the edge of a lake or at the foot of a mountain is for me THE biggest reason to travel by motorhome.
- La liberté côté itinéraire:
On peut choisir son itinéraire au jour le jour et même le changer au cour de la journée. On peut s'adapter selon la météo et visiter une ville plutôt qu'une autre. S'endormir ou se réveiller avec le bruit de la pluie (ça nous est arrivé deux fois pendant le voyage) a son coté magique!
-Freedom on the itinerary side:
You can choose your itinerary from day to day and even change it during the day. We can adapt according to the weather and visit a city rather than another. Falling asleep or waking up to the sound of the rain (it happened to us twice during the trip) has its magic side!
-Freedom on the itinerary side:
You can choose your itinerary from day to day and even change it during the day. We can adapt according to the weather and visit a city rather than another. Falling asleep or waking up to the sound of the rain (it happened to us twice during the trip) has its magic side!
- Les enfants adorent:
Voyager avec un enfant pour de longs trajets peut s'avérer compliqué! Mes préoccupations se sont révélées infondées. Les petits enfants adorent les motorhomes. Ce sont des maisons de jeu magiques sur roues; certains ont même des lits spéciaux dans le toit que vous ne pouvez atteindre que par une échelle.
Le fait de pouvoir se réveiller chaque matin dans un endroit different est très enrichissant pour eux.
- Si vous aimez les road trips c'est bien évidemment plus confortable qu'une tente:
Avec une tente dans un camping vous pouvez aussi profiter de dormir en plein nature. D'ailleurs nous l'avons déjà fait dans plusieurs pays et ça nous plait beaucoup. Mais je le conseille pour maximum une semaine car niveau comfort c'est pas tout à fait ça. On n'est pas à l'abri. S'il pleut ou s'il y a du vent, si on a pas un matelas gonflable on ne dort pas très bien et bien évidemment pour les toilettes il faut sortir.
- Le coût est normalement plus bas qu'en mode voiture + hébergement:
Surtout pendant les vacances d'été vous pouvez economiser jusqu'à 20% voir plus.
Si vous voulez réserver un camping-car faites-le à l'avance
-Children love:
Travelling with a child for long journeys can be complicated! My concerns turned out to be unfounded. Small children love motorhomes. These are magical play houses on wheels; some even have special beds in the roof that you can reach by a ladder. Being able to wake up in a different place each morning is very enriching for them.
-If you like road trips it is obviously more confortable than a tent:
With a tent at a campsite you can also enjoy sleeping in the great outdoors. Besides, we have already done it in several countries and we really like it. But I recommend it for a maximum of one week because comfort level is not quiete that. We are not safe from bad weather if it's raining or windy and if you don't have a inflatable mattress you won't sleep very well.
-Children love:
Travelling with a child for long journeys can be complicated! My concerns turned out to be unfounded. Small children love motorhomes. These are magical play houses on wheels; some even have special beds in the roof that you can reach by a ladder. Being able to wake up in a different place each morning is very enriching for them.
-If you like road trips it is obviously more confortable than a tent:
With a tent at a campsite you can also enjoy sleeping in the great outdoors. Besides, we have already done it in several countries and we really like it. But I recommend it for a maximum of one week because comfort level is not quiete that. We are not safe from bad weather if it's raining or windy and if you don't have a inflatable mattress you won't sleep very well.
-The cost is normally lower than car + accommodation mode:
During the summer holidays you can save up to 20% or more and you need to book a camper in advance.
Une fois de retour à la maison nous nous sommes retrouvé à chercher sur Google "camping car d'occasion"...
Once back home we found ourselves looking for second hand camper-home in Google.
Once back home we found ourselves looking for second hand camper-home in Google.
2 commenti
You did a great job. This post is very well-written.
Nice blogg
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